Emergency Response

If you’re working on our around our assets, it is important that you can identify and respond to an emergency situation.
How To Identify An Emergency Situation
Despite all precautions, emergencies may still occur. Any of the following events along the pipeline easement could indicate a pipeline leak or an emergency situation for a wind turbine:
Pipeline Leaks
- A hissing or roaring sound.
- Any unusual odour near the pipeline.
- Dead or discoloured vegetation in an otherwise green location.
Wind Turbines
- Erratic movement
- Appearance of oil or staining on the tower
- Burning smells or smoke
In Case Of Emergency
If you know or suspect that one of our assets is damaged or there is an issue:
- Your safety should be your first priority.
- Remain calm and leave the area immediately to maintain a safe distance.
- If you suspect a pipeline leak or there is damage to a pipeline, avoid creating sparks - do not use vehicles, mobile phones and cameras, cigarettes, matches or lighters that could ignite the gas.
Immediately notify our control room on the Emergency free call number, 1800 625 665.
- Give your name, telephone number, a description of the issue and its location. Stay on the line until instructed otherwise.
- Call the Police on 000 if you do not know who operates the asset.