Are you here because you need to report an emergency? Please call our emergency free call number immediately – 1800 625 665
Living With Our Pipelines
Epic Energy owns and operates a number of gas pipelines across South Australia. These pipelines are critical in supplying gas to Adelaide and numerous regional cities. As someone working or living near one of our pipelines we look forward to working with you to keep you, our assets and our gas supply safe.
A. The majority of Epic Energy’s pipelines are located beneath the ground.
A. We have markers signs at regular intervals along the entire length of our pipelines.
A. No! Marker signs are a guide only and provide an indication of where the pipeline is buried. They do not show the exact location of buried pipes.
A. We do not provide maps of our pipelines without first discussing the nature of the request or potential work to be undertaken. It is essential to contact us if you’re planning to carry out any work on or near the pipeline.
A. If you live or work near our pipelines, Epic is committed to helping you understand any potential dangers or safety risks, and how to mitigate them.
This includes ensuring you are able to recognise a potential problem with the pipeline, are aware of the dangers when digging near the pipeline, and equipped to act in an emergency situation.
Our Pipeline Awareness team will make regular contact with you, both via mail and in person, and our technicians regularly patrol the pipeline, please feel free to approach them with any concerns or questions you may have.
If you would like a more in depth discussion, please contact us on 08 8343 8100 and our Pipeline Awareness Officer will be in touch to organise a time and place that suits you. This is a free service.
Working Around Our Pipeline
A. Accidental damage is one of the biggest risks for anyone living or working near one of our pipelines. Many activities that interfere with the soil around our pipeline carry the potential to damage the pipeline and may result in a rupture of the pipeline and/or a gas leak.
A. Yes. We care about your safety. Much of our 1200 km of pipeline is underground, and accidental damage poses a real risk to you.
A. Yes, you have a legal obligation to contact us, and we want you to be safe, at all times. Our pipelines are buried underground at various depths which can change over time due to nature and human activity. Activities on the easement must be monitored by Epic Energy to avoid rupturing the pipeline or damaging its protective coating. An Epic Energy representative will visit your work site to determine the exact location and depth of the pipeline and will supervise the works to completion.
A. Please contact BEFORE YOU DIG AUSTRALIA (ph: 1100, www.byda.com.au) to lodge your inquiry. Once we have received your details we will assess your proposed work and will arrange for a representative to visit proposed work sites to determine the exact location and depth of its buried pipe. Epic will provide advice on precautions required to ensure the safety of people working at the proposed work site, and to prevent pipeline damage while work is being carried out.
It is essential to contact Epic Energy if you’re planning to carry out any of the following work on, or near, the pipeline:
- Grading
- Digging
- Drilling
- Trenching
- Construction - development, housing, roadworks (temporary and access ways) etc.
- Drainage work
- Use of explosives
- Land levelling or contouring
- Transport of heavy loads
- Use of vibrating machinery
- Planting vegetation
It is also important to notify Epic Energy if there is any soil erosion near the pipeline easement or unauthorised activity on or near the pipeline easement.
You will receive a written notification that we have received your BEFORE YOU DIG AUSTRALIA (ph: 1100, www.byda.com.au) inquiry. Further contact will depend on the nature of your inquiry, and will be either in writing or by phone.
If you have contractors doing work near a pipeline easement, they must contact BEFORE YOU DIG AUSTRALIA (ph: 1100, www.byda.com.au) to avoid damaging the pipeline. If required we will liaise directly with your contractors to ensure the right precautions are taken and will supervise works at all times. It is your responsibility as the landholder to ensure your contractor complies with our requirements.
There are penalties for non-approved work on our easement. Furthermore, Epic is obligated to report any unauthorised activity on our pipelines to the governing authority.
But most importantly, you, or someone you love, may be seriously injured or killed if you work on our easement without our approval. We are committed to doing our very best to ensure your safety, but we cannot do it alone. Please contact us, and help us keep you safe.
Dealing With Emergencies
Despite all precautions, leaks may occur from a pipeline system. Any of the following events along the pipeline easement could indicate a pipeline leak.
- A hissing or roaring sound
- Any unusual odour near the pipeline
- Dead or discoloured vegetation in an otherwise green location
- Fire
- Fly or insect swarms
A. If you know or suspect that a gas pipeline is leaking or damaged:
- Your safety is the first priority
- Leave the area immediately
- Avoid creating sparks - do not use vehicles, mobile phones and cameras, cigarettes, matches or lighters that could ignite the gas
- Immediately notify Epic Energy on the Pipeline Emergency free call number, 1800 625 665 – this number is a free call available 24 hours a day, every day of the week. Give your name, telephone number, and a description of what you witness and its location
- Call the Police if you do not know who operates the pipeline